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Category: Business

Rules of Real Estate to Live By - Blog Image

Rules of Real Estate to Live By

October 17, 2024

When I started in the commercial real estate business in 1984 at IRC, I began keeping a journal of maxims and good advice to myself that I hope would help me along my career path.  Here is a collection that I hope you might find helpful. Raub’s Rules of Real Estate And Favorite Words of […]

Buy vs. Lease, What’s Best for Your Business? - Blog Image

Buy vs. Lease, What’s Best for Your Business?

December 1, 2021

“To lease or to buy, that is the question.” Many businesses in San Antonio have been considering whether it is better to continue to lease their business location or to buy their own building. After all, why “throw away” all of that rent every month when you could be investing it in your own property? […]

Small Businesses: the Driving Force of Our Economy - Blog Image

Small Businesses: the Driving Force of Our Economy

September 23, 2021

Purpose of a Mixed Economy In the United States of America there exists a careful balance allowing freedom of economic advancement and capital use along with government controlled sectors such as the department of education, court systems, hospitals, postal service and road systems (Investopedia). In theory this is to ensure that proper systems are in […]

Raub Report: Interruption or Disruption - Blog Image

Raub Report: Interruption or Disruption

May 25, 2021

Pandemic brought forth the Recession You will recall, with perhaps a little effort, the past ten years was the longest economic expansion in U.S. history, which came to an abrupt end when the Pandemic brought us the Recession that we had been waiting for. Then, thanks to the Federal Reserve’s quick and shockingly awesome response […]

Foresite Acquires Property Management, Sales and Leasing Departments from IRC - Blog Image

Foresite Acquires Property Management, Sales and Leasing Departments from IRC

May 17, 2021

SAN ANTONIO, TX – Foresite Commercial Real Estate (“Foresite”), a commercial leasing and investment sales firm and one of the largest property management companies in San Antonio, announced today that it has acquired the leasing, sales and management portfolio of Investment Realty Company (“IRC”). Founded in 1975, IRC is one of the longest serving commercial […]

What can we expect? Thoughts about Inflation and Interest Rates with Steve Raub - Blog Image

What can we expect? Thoughts about Inflation and Interest Rates with Steve Raub

March 29, 2021

Inflation is once again in the headlines.  Is it here yet? Just around the corner?  Those questions come from investors who remember the 10% inflation of the 1970’s, with gas lines, and mortgage rates peaking at 16% in 1981 in order to squash inflation and the economy along with it.  Now, if you are asking […]

Austin & San Antonio Sister Cities, The Dynamic Duo - Blog Image

Austin & San Antonio Sister Cities, The Dynamic Duo

February 10, 2021

Let’s continue our January conversation about the Austin-San Antonio Corridor, a title coined by John Naisbett in his 1982 book, “Megatrends.”  Remember the scene in White Christmas that went “Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters.”  Could this possibly apply to San Antonio and Austin, sister cities on the I-35 corridor?  Right now, Austin […]

Better Time to Buy Than to Sell - Blog Image

Better Time to Buy Than to Sell

November 25, 2020

District 10 City Councilman Clayton Perry, commented that San Antonio has experienced a 34% decline in small businesses due to COVID. This is the worst hit of any city in Texas, illustrating how dependent SA is on small entrepreneurs. Then, our City Council has $75-million available from the CARES Act that he felt should have been […]

Strap in for the Ride: 3rd Quarter of 2020 Market Report - Blog Image

Strap in for the Ride: 3rd Quarter of 2020 Market Report

October 15, 2020

Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash I can only imagine that we are all very glad that we have reached the fourth quarter of 2020. In a football analogy, we are all still in the game, but glad this one will be over soon.  However, unlike a football game, time will keep marching on.  […]

San Antonio New Construction: 5 Commercial Builders You Can Rely On - Blog Image

San Antonio New Construction: 5 Commercial Builders You Can Rely On

September 8, 2020

Finding the right commercial builder for construction projects in San Antonio Texas isn’t always an easy task. A quick Google search will pull up plenty of options, but can you count on them for completing the job on budget, in time and with a high standard of quality? Having a general contractor on whom that […]

Raub Report: On to the new, New Normal - Blog Image

Raub Report: On to the new, New Normal

May 1, 2020

We are still in the midst of the Covid-19 healthcare crisis, but it appears the worst of this first phase is over. Here in San Antonio, hospitalizations have dropped from 77 to 54 with only 3 on ventilators as of the end of April. So, San Antonio metro area has not been hit as hard […]

$2-Trillion Bill Passed to Alleviate Impact of COVID-19 on Businesses - Blog Image

$2-Trillion Bill Passed to Alleviate Impact of COVID-19 on Businesses

April 3, 2020

Many have been wondering what will happen to our economy with the various difficulties companies are encountering since the outbreak of COVID-19. With people choosing to stay out of public places as much as possible, businesses are forced to close their doors. As a result, many cannot make rent and employees are being laid off. […]

Raub Report: The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow - Blog Image

Raub Report: The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

April 1, 2020

I am in the process of throwing out all of the magazines and newspaper articles that I use for research for this newsletter.  They are no longer relevant as we are leaving the old world and plunging into a new era, because of the quarantines put in place to combat the COVID-19 virus.   No one […]

How Ikea Survived the Retail Apocalypse - Blog Image

How Ikea Survived the Retail Apocalypse

February 26, 2020

With the start of a new decade, 2020 shows a marked shift in how customers interact in the retail world. Trends in online shopping are on the rise, forcing retailers to change the game. How can retailers attract clientele in this on-the-go, convenience oriented culture? Innovation. In order to survive, companies must determine what type […]

How to Find Commercial Property for Sale - Blog Image

How to Find Commercial Property for Sale

January 27, 2020

If you Google “how to find commercial property for sale” you’ll see page after page of websites and online platforms to search for commercial properties. Frankly, it can be overwhelming. Deciding on how to find the commercial property you want is not always an easy task. So today, we’ll break down some options so you […]

Raub Report: 2020 Forecasts & Predictions - Blog Image

Raub Report: 2020 Forecasts & Predictions

January 7, 2020

Happy New Year!  It’s that time of year for Forecasts and Predictions.  I have been a member for years of a Brokers Breakfast Group and each December we each make a forecast for the Year Ahead – will it be Better, the Same or Worse?  This year the consensus was mostly the Same or Better, […]

How a Commercial Broker Adds Value to Your Business - Blog Image

How a Commercial Broker Adds Value to Your Business

November 5, 2019

Securing commercial real estate by lease or purchase can be a long and difficult process if you don’t have a qualified expert lending you a hand. There are several misconceptions about hiring a commercial broker, the main one being cost of services. Many brokers, including Investment Realty, do not charge hidden fees or upfront charges […]

Raub Report: Downtown San Antonio Transformed - Blog Image

Raub Report: Downtown San Antonio Transformed

October 29, 2019

Downtown San Antonio is undergoing an amazing transformation.  Mayor Castro, in January 2009, declared this to be the “Decade of Downtown” and so it has been, and we are just getting started. There are three elements that came together to start this in 2005: 1. Kit Goldsbury sold Pace Picante Sauce to Campbell Soup and […]

Toyota’s Investment a Plus for Economic Expansion in San Antonio - Blog Image

Toyota’s Investment a Plus for Economic Expansion in San Antonio

September 26, 2019

The $391 million investment into Toyota’s San Antonio manufacturing plant is expected to enhance economic expansion in San Antonio, and the plant’s long-term performance and competitiveness. Although no additional jobs are tied to the investment, one of Toyota’s suppliers will see a boost in employment within the coming years. Aisin AW, a Japanese corporation that […]

These Factors Make San Antonio the Most Affordable City - Blog Image

These Factors Make San Antonio the Most Affordable City

July 11, 2019

This year, San Antonio was named the most affordable city with a population greater than 1 million. The Alamo City has no state income tax, no real winter and an amazing selection of food that keeps the population happy and their stomachs full. But just how affordable is the 7th largest U.S. city? A report […]

University of Incarnate Word Expands Campus with Purchase of AT&T Building - Blog Image

University of Incarnate Word Expands Campus with Purchase of AT&T Building

May 13, 2019

AT&T, once headquartered in San Antonio until 2008 before moving to Dallas, sold one of its corporate buildings recently to The University of Incarnate Word less than three months after it was placed on the market. The 347,426-square-foot building is conveniently located across the street from the University making it an optimal purchase for Incarnate […]

Raub Report: Commercial Real Estate Sector Performance - Blog Image

Raub Report: Commercial Real Estate Sector Performance

April 16, 2019

Let’s take a whip around the various commercial real estate sectors in San Antonio and see how it is going. Apartments occupancies just got back above 90% after a dip from 93% down to 89%. Apartments are given to a two year over-building cycle, so this is to be expected. However, while concessions are still […]

Rapid Delivery and the Need for Industrial Real Estate Space - Blog Image

Rapid Delivery and the Need for Industrial Real Estate Space

February 12, 2019

A decade ago it was not uncommon to wait over a week for something you ordered online to be delivered to your door. However, when you look outside your window today you might see multiple delivery trucks combing your neighborhood to make their deliveries. Many of the items they carry could have been ordered as […]

Raub Report: Texas Job Growth Remains Strong - Blog Image

Raub Report: Texas Job Growth Remains Strong

January 24, 2019

Job growth remains strong in the Lone Star State, in fact more than any other state, with an increase of 391,800 for the year, according to the latest figures released by the Texas Workforce Commission.   This is actually more than double California’s growth, with Florida running a close second to Texas.  (I believe all 391,800 […]

7 Crucial Tips for Leasing Commercial Property - Blog Image

7 Crucial Tips for Leasing Commercial Property

January 14, 2019

Leasing commercial properties can be a lucrative deal if completed properly, ensuring both you as the tenant and the landlord benefit from the deal. It’s handy to keep in mind certain tips for leasing commercial property. Negotiating the commercial lease is the lengthiest and most important process of leasing commercial properties, and it’s vital to […]

Top 3 Commercial Real Estate Trends for 2019 - Blog Image

Top 3 Commercial Real Estate Trends for 2019

December 28, 2018

As the new year approaches, commercial real estate industry execs, researchers and influencers expect several trends to dominate in the coming year. From online retailers breaking into brick-and-mortar to the rise of opportunity zones, here are the top trends IRC expects for 2019: 1. Opportunity Zone Programs Will Continue to Rise On December 12, President […]

Raub Report: Tech Dominance in Austin May Keep San Antonio Steady - Blog Image

Raub Report: Tech Dominance in Austin May Keep San Antonio Steady

December 20, 2018

I sense everyone is getting pretty nervous right now: 1. This has been a really long economic advance. 2. Trump’s election has enhanced and lengthened it. 3. Interest rates are rising, for now. 4. All believe we are in the Late Stable stage of the commercial real estate cycle. 5. I have seen investors putting […]

San Antonio Millennials Facing Housing Hurdles - Blog Image

San Antonio Millennials Facing Housing Hurdles

October 30, 2018

According to the 3rd annual Zillow Group Report on Consumer Housing Trends, millennials are most likely to have an offer fall through when trying to sell their home, make concessions or change the date of their closing. Sellers are now finding it more difficult to sell their home to millennials due to the timeline of […]

Emerging Tech for Retail & Real Estate Use - Blog Image

Emerging Tech for Retail & Real Estate Use

October 17, 2018

New technology, especially when used in the right context for shoppers or clients, can be incredibly useful; however, implementing new technology just for the sake of showing off isn’t always in the consumer’s best interest. It may even be confusing to the client when they are ready to make a buying decision. JDA, a software […]

Finding the Ideal Space with IRC Tenant Representation - Blog Image

Finding the Ideal Space with IRC Tenant Representation

October 3, 2018

Tenant Representation is exactly how it sounds, a type of commercial real estate brokerage service where an agent focuses on the needs of the tenant, rather than the needs of the landlord. Your tenant representative has only one person in mind, you. Your benefit, needs, and interests are their top priority. Using a tenant representative […]

2018 Top Ten Boom Town List: San Antonio #9 - Blog Image

2018 Top Ten Boom Town List: San Antonio #9

August 21, 2018

San Antonio, Dallas and Austin all made the top list of America’s Biggest Boomtowns by Magnify Money. The factors that make a boomtown comprise of industry growth, increasing employment opportunities and relocation. San Antonio beat Houston, currently at #11, in housing score, workforce & earning score and business growth making it #9 on the list. […]

Aerial Fulfillment Centers by Amazon - Blog Image

Aerial Fulfillment Centers by Amazon

August 9, 2018

Aerial Fulfillment Centers by Amazon could be the next big thing in logistics. The ecommerce giant recently received a patent for a floating warehouse design. Drones would take off and resupply at the aerial fulfillment centers to decrease time returning to ground locations. The aerial centers themselves would be supported by helium or heated air […]

San Antonio Hospitality Sector Taking Off - Blog Image

San Antonio Hospitality Sector Taking Off

May 9, 2018

The Texas hospitality sector can expect continued growth this year. Approximately 200 hotels are under construction in the Lone Star State along with another 276 expected to break ground this year. Hurricane Harvey’s displacement of residents and raising Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR) has the San Antonio hospitality sector taking off. Occupancy rates are expected […]

Investors See Effects of a Peaked Multifamily Market - Blog Image

Investors See Effects of a Peaked Multifamily Market

April 5, 2018

Changes are on the horizon for San Antonio multi-family investments. Forecasts for renters in San Antonio this year may be great; however, several factors are making it tough to invest in multifamily properties. While renters may be rejoicing, investors are finding it hard to deal with the recent changes to the tax code, higher interests […]

Pharmacy Retail Chains vs Amazon

February 23, 2018

The constant threat of declining foot traffic has pharmacy retail chains rethinking their strategy now that Amazon has penetrated the health product market. Many retail pharmacies see their biggest profits from consumers coming into the store to pick up medication and cosmetic products. However, if consumers start purchasing their health products online through Amazon, brick […]

Hulu posts job openings days after announcing San Antonio expansion

May 1, 2017

Hulu has arrived in San Antonio and plans on creating 500 new jobs by the end of 2018. It has already released 8 job postings seeking to fill entry to senior level positions. The company is planning on leasing and renovating 4511 Horizon Hill Blvd. which has qualified for city and county incentive packages by […]

What’s the Value of a Like?

April 18, 2017

Companies across the world spend billions of dollars every year to increase their social media presence. For example, Red Bull live-streamed a man skydiving from space and shared it all over their social networks. Companies will go to extreme links to get their brand out there and Facebook seems to be the preferred platform of […]

Amazon to Acquire, Gaining Middle East Footprint

April 11, 2017

Amazon has just extended its international presence by acquiring for an estimated $700 million. Dubai-based was described by Amazon as the largest online retail platform in the Middle East with more than 8.4 million products for sale, and a reported 45 million visits per month. Of all visitors and users, approximately 45% […]

How the ‘Trump Bump’ Affects Real Estate

February 8, 2017

The Dow Jones has reached 20,000 and reached the milestone in the fastest 1,000-point jump in history. This event is indicative of a few real estate developments moving forward into the new year. President Trump’s promise to bring back manufacturing jobs and plants back to the country, as well as his corporate tax and regulation […]

Inclusionary Zoning is Stepping In

January 20, 2017

With Class A apartment construction steadily rising in the last few years, rents have continually risen higher, and higher, so much so that one in four working renters is paying 50% or more of their income monthly. “Inclusionary Zoning” would require developers to allow for a certain number of units to be priced accordingly in […]

Amazon Distribution Network Delivery Time

December 21, 2016

In response to the shifting retail landscape in regards to online shopping and the record breaking holiday sales numbers that have continually risen year after year, Amazon has picked up the pace to complete their supply-chain network to reach optimum delivery time. Amazon has added 26 new distribution warehouses to its global network in the […]

The Balance of Mixed-Use Retail

December 9, 2016

Most folks, understandably, do not walk down a mixed-use space and think about the careful balance it took to make the complex use of retail, multifamily, and office, a successful mixed-use space.  Not all real estate properties are the same, a retail space where customer service is key, will commonly be accompanied by a percent […]

Homeowner Wealth On The Rise

December 8, 2016

According to two reports, one from the S&P/CoreLogic and another by ATTOM Data Solutions, owner of RealtyTrac, homeowner wealth in the United States has more than doubled from $6.1 trillion in 2011 to $12.7 in 2016. In contrast, the number of homeowners who are significantly behind on their mortgage is currently 6 million, half of […]

Texas Ranks In Top 5 In Forbes’ Best States For Business Rankings

December 2, 2016

Texas was ranked 4th in Forbes’ annual Best State for Business List, up two spots from last year. The state placed within the top eight for economic climate, business costs, labor supply, and growth prospects. Although Utah, North Carolina, and Nebraska took the first, second, and third place in the overall rankings, respectively, in terms […]

Specialty Grocers Will Hit the Gas While H-E-B and Walmart Push the Brakes

November 16, 2016

HEB and Walmart (NYSE:WMT) will slow down expansion in San Antonio to two andzero new locations, respectively, in the upcoming 2017 fiscal year. This change in the retail market will create for an opportunity where smaller, and ambitious specialty retailers such as Natural Grocers (NYSE:NGVC), now known as Mercado Del Pueblo, Aldi, Lidl, and Trader […]

Slight Boosts Keep San Antonio’s Real Estate Cap Rates in Check

November 7, 2016

Economic growth, increasing investment and development activity, as well as consistent cap rates are solidifying San Antonio’s place as an “up-and-coming” real estate investment market. Some notable investment deals made so far this year involve the Alamo Ranch Power Center, Sonterra Village, Sonterra Blue, and recently the 276-unit Boardwalk Med Center. Regardless of micro dips […]

Walmart Making Moves Against Amazon

October 21, 2016

In response to consumer attitudes becoming increasingly enthusiastic towards online shopping, Walmart (WMT -.41%) has begun to adapt its strategy accordingly and has plans to take on Amazon head on (AMZN -1.17%) in the next year. Walmart has seen a consecutive eight quarters of consistent sales growth in recent years, has just finalized its acquisition […]

Customers Asked for More Delivery Options and H-E-B Answered

October 19, 2016

With customers preferring to shop online, rather than in-store, has led H-E-B expansion to 14 additional zip codes in San Antonio. H-E-B has partnered with the app-based company Shipt to deliver groceries within the hour of the customer submitting their grocery order online. Shipt will be servicing Cibolo, Converse, Helotes, Kirby, Live Oak, Universal City, Schertz […]

Apartment Demands Continue to Rise

October 17, 2016

Oversaturation in the San Antonio multifamily market has been on everyone’s minds as construction and permits have continued to rise quarter after quarter, however economic developments in the city make it clear that the absorption for new construction will be there. According to the Marcus & Millichap report for Multifamily in the 3Q, San Antonio […]

Out-Priced Elsewhere, Investors Shift Focus to San Antonio

October 12, 2016

A combination of investors getting out priced in other markets, and shifting their attention from the increasingly aggressive, and costly multifamily market have driven San Antonio retail investment activity up significantly in recent months. These factors in addition to the industrial markets limited supply, retail property possessing sustainable rents, and value add opportunities also have […]

San Antonio Suburbs are Welcoming New Tenants

October 3, 2016

San Antonio’s Northwest retail submarkets have some of the fastest-growing demographics and new retail construction. Local Coffee, one of many business, is expanding to the northwestern submarkets due to the steady increase in household incomes, strong employment presence, and population growth. According to Local Coffee owner Robby Grubbs, the company will be opening two locations […]

USAA is Expanding to NW San Antonio

September 28, 2016

USAA has signed leases for Vista Corporate Center and Westridge Two at La Cantera office complex, located in the northwestern submarket. The two office buildings combined are 286,400 square feet. USAA is planning to relocate 1,500 employees from the information technology and the banking departments to the new spaces in fall 2017. Burke, Katie. “USAA […]

Brooks City Base is Making Way for a Japanese Industrial Manufacturing Plant

September 21, 2016

Nissei Plastic Industrial Co. Ltd., a Japanese company, purchased 9 acres along Lyster Road and Brooks City Base from Brooks City Development Authority to build a plant.  In 1947, Nissei Plastic was founded and refers to itself as an injection molding machines developer and manufacturer of composite material, molds, measuring instruments and auto-molding systems. This […]

Parking Downtown San Antonio Could Be Taking a Turn

August 25, 2016

Parking in downtown San Antonio can be a struggle. Two people are trying to change this view. GrayStreet Partners and AREA Real Estate are coming up with various strategies to help with this need. GrayStreet Partners is renovating Travis Park Plaza parking garage by emphasizing different modes of transportation. They are looking at investing in […]

JCPenny’s Customers Spoke and They Listened

August 18, 2016

Going beyond apparel, JCPenny is expanding their home-goods selection. Customers are spending more money on home beautification and JCPenny is looking to improve in this sector. During the third quarter JCPenny will add dishwashers and other major appliances to 1,000 stores. With 1,200 major appliances online, customers will be able to smoothly order online and […]

Harry’s Shave Subscriptions on Target’s Shelves

August 12, 2016

With Razors being cheaper to purchase online though companies such as Harry’s Shave Subscriptions and Dollar Shave Club, retailers are having a difficult time selling the product they already have on the shelves. Drumroll…, a different edge on selling razor products, Target and Harry’s decided to team up to offer online subscriptions for Harry’s shaving […]

Store Technology is Becoming a Difficult Choice

August 3, 2016

Ever feel like big brother is watching over you? According to the “Rich Relevance ‘Creepy or Cool?’ Survey”, Seventy- Five Percent did not like the idea of being greeted by name after a store identified the consumer though facial recognition technology. Most consumers do enjoy using fingerprint technology, scanning products, receiving pop up offers, digital […]

A Game Changer for Tenants Paying Rent

July 29, 2016

So many mistakes can happen when handling money manually. The slightest difference, in the amount, or a number out of place can have huge effect on the overall spreadsheet. At DDR Corp. Tenants can make their payments online and track reports though SnapPay RE. According to Kevin Moss, DDR’s Chief Information Officer, there is a […]

Going Beyond Just Bed & Bath

July 21, 2016

While Bed Bath & Beyond same-store sales declined by 50 basis points versus the same quarter a year ago, adding omni-channel trappings to Bed Bath & Beyond stores are helping boost sales. CEO Steven Tamares, has been evolving Bed Bath & Beyond stores by integrating physical and digital capabilities to create an experiential shopping culture, […]

What Office Trends Can We Expect in 2016?

January 20, 2016

In Fireman’s predictions you see a great support for the millennial ideals and workplace environment needs. Fireman expects us to see an increase in companies focus on creating a health-conscious environment. From the standing desk, healthy choice vending machines and even on-site exercise equipment, companies are expected to further support healthy living for their employees. […]

Is your company retreat returning your investment?

November 23, 2015

Companies are often looking for ways to reengage associates, come up with new ideas and progress with the times. Ironically one common way companies have been trying to achieve the goal of reengaging employees is by taking them out of the office. More and more companies are hosting company retreats to get employees out of […]

How to Utilize Social Media Platforms

July 16, 2015

People are always talking about a company’s need to innovate and move forward and that’s true, move forward or get left behind. What if your real problem isn’t being afraid of the future but letting go of the past? We are bombarded with new ideas, platforms and services on a daily basis. Many older companies […]

How Retailers are Drawing Shoppers this Season

December 16, 2014

Consumers have more options than ever when it comes to where they spend their money. Online retailers and brick and mortar stores are constantly looking for ways to stand out from their competitors. Which website offers free shipping? Who ships the fastest? Who opens earliest on Black Friday? What store has the best entertainment? Which […]

Unlimited Vacation Days

October 17, 2014

In late September it was it was disclosed that Richard Branson of the Virgin Group gives unlimited vacation days to his staff of nearly 200 employees. This has raised an interesting question: Is working less, more? If people only work to complete the tasks they have and are allowed to enjoy personal time when tasks […]

San Antonio Real Estate Influence On the Economy

February 25, 2014

If you enjoy our blog The Real Estate Council of San Antonio is another great source for information concerning local real estate. Here are 5 amazing facts about San Antonio’s Real Estate Industry and its influence on our economy. It generates approximately 1/7 of the area’s economic output. It employs 120,000 people in the San […]

5 Things You Should Know About a Company Before the Interview

November 4, 2013

What they do! – This may sound obvious but a lot of people go to interviews unprepared. Knowing what the position you’re applying for is important but so is what the company does. If you’re a finance consultant applying for a finance role at a computer cloud company you should know what that means! While […]

Goal Achieving or Stress Relieving

August 30, 2013

Goal achieving- A profit making activity that supports your business plan. Stress Relieving- A nice break but doesn’t directly bring in profit. Activities that can consume your day, things that make you feel busy but aren’t actually productive just soothing. A wise old broker once said, “Always ask yourself, ‘is this a commissionable activity?’” Does […]

Why People Do and DON’T Do Business With You

July 25, 2013

There are two common mistakes in the business world. Mistake #1 People assume that if they aren’t giving someone a tangible object for a tangible reward, that they aren’t a sales person. This couldn’t be more wrong! We are all sales people! Each day with our thoughts and actions we are constantly trying to sell […]